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Can Cannon ® Soda Can Launcher and Beer Can Launcher
The OG Can Cannon Launcher – Beer Can Launcher and Soda Can Launcher
The Can Cannon ® is a patented 100% BATFE launcher for your Lower. Legal in all 50 states, designed as a beer can launcher, soda can launcher, and similarly sized projectiles including tennis balls, whipping cream, shaving cream, paint cans, t-shirts, and any of our Accessories and Projectiles.
Want to walk in like a rock star? For those of us who like to go all the way, we have created the Ultimate Can Cannon ® Guitar Case with the Launcher, X-Fore Sleeve, grappling hook, balls, cups, fishing spear, rocket and blanks.
*Does not include BCG and Charging Handle
Download the Can Cannon ® Manual here.
Want to know what else to do with the Can Cannon Launcher? Read here.
Why use a soda can launcher or a beer can launcher instead of simply drinking said substances? Read here.
177 in stock
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Fun novelty accessory. Shipped quick and is a hoot to shoot.
Great quality!
loads of fun
Outstanding you need one of these.