Roll in like a rock start with Savior custom cases

Posted by Can Cannon Team on June 7th, 2023
grappling hook, balls, cups, spear, rocket, tube, blanks
grappling hook, balls, cups, spear, rocket, tube, blanks

That’s right! Can Cannon has partnered with the amazing folks at Savior Equipment to bring you not one but TWO custom cases. If you thought your Can Cannon launcher was fun enough already you were clearly wrong, nothing says a party like walking in with your Ultimate Can Cannon Guitar case, fully stocked with ALL the goodies – the Can Cannon ® by X Products, an X-Fore Sleeve, a grappling hook, 6 balls, 3 cups, a fishing spear, a rocket, and a 5o count bag of blanks

Strumming on a guitar by a fire at night is not your style? Fine, we’ll let it slide. How about rocking out on your violin … or rather what the folks down south prefer to call a Fiddle. Meet the brand new Can Cannon Fiddle Master case and be the first to own this can launcher package. It converts your Lower into a blank fired launcher system and launches soda cans and similarly sized projectiles including tennis balls, whipping cream, shaving cream, paint cans, t-shirts, and X Products approved accessories – THINK projectiles: ballscupsgrappling hookfishing spearrocket, all the fun stuff! The Can Cannon launcher package includes the Can Cannon Launcher, X-Fore Tube that will launch golf balls over 600 yards, blanks and 6 golf balls.

And the best part? Did we mention there is still a best part? The Can Cannon Fiddle Case is a badass DUAL purpose case … it stores your Can Cannon with all the goodies AND has a 2nd foam layer for your piece.

So pick your can launcher package and go out on out there!

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